What this time has taught me.

Everything going on in society right now has shown me how far Jesus has brought me. I have so much empathy and compassion for everyone who is living in panic, paranoia and fear because I used to be a hypochondriac and live in overwhelming irrational fear, paranoia, anxiety and depression off and on for many years of my life. I remember at times when I could literally feel my heart clinching, and I was so afraid. On Friday March 13 I had ALL of my upcoming paid speaking engagements and performances get cancelled or postponed in a matter of hours causing me to “lose” out on a LOT of money. Also California is now on lockdown, so the doors of my I Am Extraordinary Academy are closed until further notice. In the past being in this situation and the hysteria around the world would have sent me into a full blown panic mode…I would have started fasting (only drinking liquids), calling my friends for all night prayer sessions, gave whatever money that I had to the many preachers I listened to, and essentially try to “manipulate God” into providing for me and protecting me from getting sick. I also would have stayed up all night trying to figure out solutions and working myself to death to make up that money.

Now, although I am obviously feeling some frustration, disappointment and irritation, there is a Life in me that is speaking so loudly and bringing comfort to my soul. As soon as fear tried to speak to me, I heard Jesus speaking life and encouragement to my heart. Afterwards I felt so much peace, joy and strength rushing through my being. The funny thing is shortly after that God has been supernaturally providing for me, AND with this unexpected time off I am able to encourage more people on my social media, sleep more and catch up on some projects I had to put on hold while I was launching my academy. This wasn’t the “vacation” I expected, but I’m going to make the most of it LOL!

These are the truths that God was speaking to me:

-We have a life in God that will never die.

-God will be our strength and hope.

-We can have peace and joy no matter what is happening around us.

-God is the Deliverer of our fear.

-In times of uncertainty we can receive supernatural ideas, creativity and solutions.

-The rest we have in Jesus can never be taken away from us.

-We are atmosphere changers, and we live from the inside out.

-God is always with us and for us!

I pray that this uplifts your hearts and reminds you that Jesus is always on the move, and in Christ you always win! No matter what it looks like right now, keep looking into the face of Jesus (that is our REAL life) and remember that the Holy Spirit is continually ushering you forward into eternal life.