Trust Your Instincts, Bravery is a Muscle!

I am writing this blog post while on vacation in Cancun, Mexico! I am hoping to get back into blogging more regularly, it is something that I do miss.

One of my favorite humans, ChuiMalik and I were recently meditating on a couple of his daily affirmations: "I trust my instincts, I trust my impulses." And I was telling him how thankful I was that he trusted his "impulse/instinct" last April to reach out to me on Instagram via DMs to ask if he could pick my brain about how to have more diverse Juneteenth events in Ventura County. Chui and I originally first met in person June 26, 2021 at a Juneteenth Event at Cajun Country Cafe in Oxnard, CALIFORNIA.We Were Both PErforming At This FesTIVITY. We added each other up on social media last February, he reached out to me on Instagram in April and the rest is history!

Two of my favorite attributes of ChuiMalik’s (he has a myriad of positive attributes) are his bravery and courage. He often has an attitude of "Why not?" instead of just accepting the status quo. His unassuming personality and presence are what have aided him to getting connected with all types of incredible people from different walks of life! He genuinely cares about others. 

He could have easily said- "Sade is too busy, I don't even personally know her, what is she going to think?" (etc.), started doubting himself and talked himself out of what he felt in his heart to do.

His bravery and courage are what opened the door to us having this best friendship, him being my right hand man/partner and all the spectacular miracles God is blessing us to experience together! 

No human being is better or worse than another and with social media/technology we can find ourselves much closer to not only our inspirations but more opportunities to discover & live our dreams. The world is literally our oyster! 

Chui and I also meditated on and prayed about the importance of not allowing others to silence our spirit or make us doubt the wisdom in our hearts. 

We listened to this episode by Dr. Thema "Addressing Self Abandonment" from her The Homecoming Podcast and no matter how many times I've listened to this over the past couple of years, it never gets old! 

Here are a few quotes that stuck out to us:
“No can be a holy word, a sacred word.” - Dr. Thema
“To fall in line with what other people want is to leaVE myself behind. I am not willing to be a puppet for everyone else. I am not willing to surrender my own song so that I can sing another song that other people approve of.” - Dr. Thema
“I will not abandon myself for other people’s approval anymore.” - Dr. Thema

Courage and bravery are muscles. They don't grow overnight, but over time. You are worthy of the time, effort and energy it takes to strengthen these muscles! At any given moment you can begin again and the page can be turned. Because of JESUS we are never truly stuck! 

Today I am praying that you will experience the comfort and love of The Holy Spirit healing your inner voice and freeing you from the endless opinions of others. I am praying that you will find your song again or for the first time.