Goodbye 2023 (With Love)
Happy New Year’s Eve! As we are on the last day of 2023 and heading into 2024, I first want to invite you to pat yourself on the back and give yourself a big hug. You made it! I am so proud of you, and I hope you can be proud of yourself for still being here. I am proud of myself for still being here.
Take a little time today and this upcoming week to breathe in all your blessings and remember your happy memories from this past year. It doesn’t have to be the biggest things, there is plenty of joy in the tiny and simple things too.
Please think about and then answer these prompts in the comments of this post:
-What is a happy memory from your career or (something you did towards your dreams) this past year?
-What is one thing you are proud of this past year?
-What is an area of your talents/gifts that you grew in this past year?
-What is the biggest lesson you learned this year?
Allow these positive reflections and moments of gratitude to usher you into the New Year.
I’ll share my own responses to the prompts above in the comments below :)