Spiritual Maturity
Spiritual maturity is not based on how long you've been saved (or how long you've known God), how many bible verses and bible stories you've memorized, how long you can fast, how many times you pray each day, how much money you give, how talented and gifted you are, how many missions trips you go on, how long you can meditate, how many people you preach or evangelize to...this list can go on and on. I have done all of these things and more, and still I was full of fear, anxiety, panic, paranoia, low self-esteem, jealousy, self-hatred and depression. I could not sleep and there was no rest in my soul.
Spiritual maturity is based on how dependent you are upon God. It is mature to know that you cannot save or heal or deliver yourself, but God can. It is mature to depend on and look to God to protect your heart and mind and be the One Who brings you joy, fulfillment and peace. It is mature to run boldly to God. It is mature to see yourself as ONE with Jesus and not separated from God. It is mature to see yourself as WORTHY, DESERVING and WORTH IT and not as filthy, dirty or unworthy. It is mature to believe that you ARE who God says that you are. It is mature to know that God is and can be whoever and whatever you need, long for and desire. (God is not limited and it brings God great joy for you to depend on Him every moment of every day. God does not get tired of being God to us, God never sleeps and is always alert and here for us.) It is mature to know that no matter who or what you have in this world it can never define you or determine your worth, value or how much God loves you. It is spiritually mature to remain in rest and trust in God when the world, everything around you (and sometimes even the church) is trying to convince you to put your trust in government, worldly leaders, money, and every and anything else. It is spiritually mature to stay in grace when you feel tempted to get in the driver's seat and not allow God to help you. (When you feel uncomfortable, weary, weak and tempted to try and become your own savior.) It is spiritually mature to be vulnerable and transparent when you feel like giving up and closing off your heart and shutting people out.
God is not mad when you need Him. God is not trying to get us to a place where we no longer need God so then He can focus on more important things. YOU ARE the important thing. YOU ARE the one God is focused on. Even if YOU were the only person in the world, God would have still come JUST FOR YOU. This applies to every single person.
I pray that this year we will transform into human BEings instead of human DOings.