My Precious Valentine
God will love you all the way into eternity. God will never be fed up with you. God will never trade you in when He gets tired. God doesn’t get tired, and He will never get tired of you. God will choose you every day and every time all the way through eternity. Jesus Christ is the living proof and reminder that Love ALWAYS wins. When the world (and even thoughts in your mind) tell you that you’re not enough, that you’re missing out and you need to have & do more, the Holy Spirit will rise up on the inside of you and remind you of The Truth. Whoever has God has life! I can say with great confidence that there is no more lavish and fulfilling joy, love and satisfaction than what I have found and continue to discover in Jesus. God is the smile on my face, the sunshine that radiates from my skin, the tenacity in my heart, the life in my eyes, the glamour in my soul. God is the undefeated champion who makes me feel like the richest person in the world even when the world tries to convince me that I have nothing. God is the courage in my bones, my strength to begin again. My dream come true! Closer than my next breath, going before me and yet standing right next to me. Surrounding me with songs of hope and deliverance. Jesus understands us and is just like us. God leans down to us while simultaneously lifting us up and seating us in heavenly places. He will crush your fear and calm your anxiety. The Holy Spirit gives us bright eyes to see ourselves through God’s eyes showing us our true worth. There is not enough gems, stones, money or wealth in the world that accurately convey how much we mean to God. God values us more than His Own life. We mean everything to God…so no one can tell you what you’re worth or how attractive you are or how desirable you are…you were knit together by The Creator and Savior of the world.
God is my miracle. God is my dream come true.
We are God’s miracle and God’s dream come true.