You are more than your gift.
I finally got a chance to see the movie “Encanto” tonight, and of course I wept like the crybaby I am. These days I’m surprised I even have any tear ducts left. I don’t want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, but here’s the trailer. I suggest seeing it as soon as possible, although you will still be able to enjoy this blog post regardless.
In this world (even in religious circles and environments), we often define and celebrate people because of their gifts. Sometimes we cannot even separate the gift from the person, and we may find ourselves seeing the gift or talent more than the actual person themselves. How many times have we felt like a product more than a human being? How many times have we judged ourselves based on what we can produce rather than who we are from within? “While people may look at the appearance, God looks at the heart of a person.” (1 Samuel 16:7)
There are many famous religious and non-religious teachings (sometimes it’s hard for me to differentiate between them because they look and sound the same) that focus on what we can do, what we can produce and what we can have in this world. We put some people on pedestals, we idolize and envy, we see others (and ourselves) as less than. These types of teachings bring bitterness, confusion, heartache and brokenness to our relationships with God, ourselves and others. Talk about pressure! We were never created to carry all of these burdens and woes. God is the burden-TAKER, NOT the burden-giver. Jesus said “Come to Me all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
I used to find my identity and define myself by my gifts, talents, what I could produce, the amazing works I could do, my visions and dreams. For a while it can be exhilarating and fun and feel like you have a hold on life, but the time came when those things couldn’t satisfy or fill my aching heart. To be honest I never really thought they could, I just didn’t see or know anyone at the time who was speaking, believing and living what I had always longed for in my heart. What used to bring me so much joy would begin to suffocate me and tire me. I would compare myself to others and always try to prove myself to others, and I would always want more. Contentment seemed like a dirty forbidden word. And gratitude was only used to get and “become more”.
When God looks at you, God doesn’t see your gifts. God doesn’t see your talent or all the great things you can do for Him or others in this world. When God looks at us, God sees US. God loved and wanted us long before we ever said or did a thing. God doesn’t love, want or cherish us because of something we can achieve, accumulate or manifest. God loves you because of who He is, who you are and the life He always created for us. Your gifts and talents are cherries and sprinkles on top, but they will never satisfy you or fill your heart with the eternal life God created you for. God doesn’t need or want little worker bunnies and bees trying to make themselves all strong, big and mighty in this world so that He and others will be proud of you. Or so that you can feel important. Or so that others will want to receive God’s love. Or so that others will idolize you. You are already significant to God and you make a big difference in God’s Life. (In case you forgot, God IS still The Savior- not us- and every moment of every day God is working to bring eternal life, freedom and healing to every single person who has ever lived and will ever live.) There is so much more to share on this that I will go into greater detail on an upcoming blog post.
YOU ARE GOD’S GIFT. YOU ARE God’s miracle. You are a miracle to everyone who knows and loves you. GOD IS THE MIRACLE. And when God lives on the inside of you, you and your life will always be a miracle! There is no darkness that can take away that light or fire. God IS Our Light and Our Fire. “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (Psalm 73:26) Jesus said “In this world you will have troubles and tribulation, but take heart in knowing that I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
I hope and pray that you can start seeing yourself and others as human BEings and not projects or products. When I think of my love for God, when I think of the people who love me, and all the people I love- I don’t feel loved because of my gifts. I don’t love God or people because of what He or others can do for me or their gifts. I feel loved because of who I am and who God says that I am. I love God and others because of who they are. Just like how God is not defined by His gifts or what He can do, neither are you. I hope and pray that you can live, love, dream and create from wholeness and fullness and not from the systems of this world. “And now these three things will remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13) [GOD IS LOVE, God IS LOVING us and WILL ALWAYS LOVE us. God’s LOVE IS our Gift.]
You are more than your gift.