Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Jesus changes everything. In a world and systems that consider some people more valuable than others and often wants to squeeze you into a cramped tiny box, Jesus loves all people equally and yet uniquely to each person's needs.

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The only way to "avoid" getting hurt and never experience pain is to build up walls around your heart and never trust anyone....The only problem is that you'll end up keeping LOVE OUT of your heart and hurting yourself. We were never created to live with walls up or in suspicion.

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My 8 Year Anniversary

In all the busyness and festivities, I almost forgot to share that October is very special to me because it's the anniversary of when I started walking away from organized religion and back into the Grace of God I first experienced as a little girl. This year makes 8 years since I've been walking in this glorious exciting life with Jesus. I've always been a very spiritual person and knew God/Jesus, but organized religion, traditional church, trauma and the pressures of this world slowly sucked out the joy, life and freedom from my soul.

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When money is tight

With everything going on in the world right now, this message has been strongly on my heart to share. I want to share a message of encouragement for couples who are struggling financially during this pandemic. God can take care of you and manifest through you no matter what your bank account says or what challenges you are facing today!

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There is only 1.

•Flashback Friday• I am so sorry to anyone who has been abused by religion, spirituality or the systems of this world and who find it difficult to trust and believe God. God is not angry with you, God is not far from you, and God is not punishing you.

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What this time has taught me.

Everything going on in society right now has shown me how far Jesus has brought me. I have so much empathy and compassion for everyone who is living in panic, paranoia and fear because I used to be a hypochondriac and live in overwhelming irrational fear, paranoia, anxiety and depression off and on for many years of my life.

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Story Time: 7 Years in Grace

October is a very significant month for me because every year it marks how many years since I walked away from traditional church & organized religion and back to the God and Jesus I first met as a little girl. I always knew God, but between growing up in an unhealthy environment, no solid spiritual mentors and a ton of religious abuse and church hurt, I found myself always looking for the God who first came to me.

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To the little boy in you.

•A man’s body is just as valuable as a woman’s body.

•A man is just as much of a prize as a woman is.

I knew that when I posted these statuses on social media recently they might cause a stir. I chose to post them anyway because number 1: I am no longer allowing other people’s opinions to filter my authenticity, and number 2: men are hurting just as much as women are and they need healing too. Healthier men and boys lead to a healthier society.

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